Rules of the game

This document regulates the rules of participation and behavior of the user of the server "Old Dragon Nest" (hereinafter referred to as OldDN/server/game), the rights of the server Administration to apply to the User certain measures defined by the rules of the game and the conditions of application of such measures. Full agreement with these Rules and acceptance of obligations to fully comply with them is a prerequisite for the use of the server OLDDN.

The rules of participation and behavior are designed to make the stay in the game world as pleasant as possible for each Player. Failure to comply with the Rules of the Game may lead to restriction of functionality (in any form, including: use of game characters, interaction with the game world, its functionality, etc.) or access to the User's account, or to all accounts registered for one User, or used according to the information of the Administration from one IP-address, or using one personal computer (one hardware name of a personal computer), or otherwise related to one User according to the information of the Administration, for a long period of time.

1. The User agrees to comply with all rules and restrictions established by these Rules, rules of behavior in the community in the social network "VKontakte" and other related services.

2. The User undertakes to respect the right of other Users to participate in the game server and has no right to create situations in which the rights of other Users may be violated. Administration reserves the right to give its own final legal assessment of the compliance of actions and situations under this and other paragraphs of the Rules of the Game.

3. Users are prohibited to carry out the following actions with their game accounts and game characters:

- Selling;

- Buying;

- Exchange;

- Transferring;

- Giving;

- Dissemination of information about the intention to perform the specified actions either by the User himself or by any third parties.

4. All Users on the Server are prohibited from performing or concealing the following actions with any In-game items of in-game value, including in-game currency:

- Selling outside of the Server and/or for out-of-game valuables, including cash and other payment methods;

- Purchase for out-of-game value, including cash and other payment methods;

- Exchange for out-of-game valuables, items, services, obligations;

- Dissemination of information about the User's intention to perform the specified actions, either by the User himself or by any third parties.

5. Users are prohibited to create and/or use on the Server third-party programs that allow to automate the control of the game character in one way or another (bots), any third-party hardware or software resources that give the player an unintended advantage in the game; other programs and modifications that can make changes in the game process, not provided for by the scenario of the game server, as well as regular participation in the game process as part of a group of players using such means. Users are also prohibited to directly or indirectly disable or otherwise interfere with the operation of programs implemented in the game client and responsible for detecting and preventing the use of software or hardware resources of third parties that give the player an unforeseen advantage.

6. Users are prohibited from using, as well as disseminating information, calling for the use or publicly promoting any errors, both in-game and errors of any related software. The User, who has discovered such errors on the Server, is obliged to inform the Administration in private messages of the group, or directly to the technical support within the next 24 hours after the moment of discovery, detailing all the circumstances of their discovery and use. If the User has doubts whether the functioning of a certain game aspect is correct, the User must suspend the use of such a process and contact the Personal messages of the group, or directly to technical support for appropriate clarification. The Administration independently assesses the compliance of the User's actions with the terms of these Rules of the Game.

7. Users are prohibited to spread rumors, slander and other defamatory information about the Administration, other Users, game services and events, the Server as a whole.

8. Users are prohibited from spamming (newsletters and announcements not related to the game process), flooding (multiple repetition, reproduction, copying of information) in any kind of information services of the Server (World, City, General and other chats, private messages, in-game emails, etc.).

9. Users are forbidden to use any information services of the game for distribution of information about political parties, systems, public and/or religious organizations and movements, as well as about their actions and actions, call for participation in them, or transfer such activity to the game Server as knowingly provoking dispute and conflict between other Users.

10. Users are prohibited in any form to carry out any advertising, including third-party game servers of similar project, including reproduction in the game information services Internet links without prior approval of the Administration.

11. Users are prohibited to use any obscene, offensive, provocative, advertising or not provided by the game process of words and symbols in any form in the names or descriptions of characters, other game objects, guilds and any other communities, organizations of players. The server administration reserves the right to give its own final linguistic assessment of the compliance of any phrases and words to this paragraph of the rules.

12. Users are prohibited to use in the gameplay, in common channels and services of communication, informing several Users at the same time - profanity, insults, as well as in all channels and types of messages without exception - threats of violence or physical violence, organization of illegal actions, drug advertising, pornographic materials or third-party resources containing these materials in the public domain, propaganda of intolerance to racial, national, religious, religious, cultural, ideological, gender, language or political, and also in all channels and types of messages - threats of violence or physical violence, organization of illegal actions, advertising of drugs, pornographic materials or third-party resources containing these materials in the public domain, propaganda of intolerance to racial, national, religious, cultural, ideological, gender, language or political. Administration reserves the right to give its own final linguistic assessment of the compliance of any phrases and words with this paragraph of the rules.

13. Users are prohibited from being part of, participating in the formation of or otherwise supporting any communities and organizations of players whose ideology implies rejection on religious, national, sexual grounds (or has similarities with the ideology of such orientation), refers to nationalist, racist or sexist philosophies. The administration reserves the right to give its own final linguistic assessment of the compliance of any phrases and words with this paragraph of the rules.

14. Users are prohibited from committing any actions (including those specified in clause 5 of the Game Rules) that hinder or make it impossible for other Users to access the Old DN Server or for the Administration to fulfill its obligations, as well as from committing actions with the purpose of violating the Game Rules or with the purpose of obtaining in-game advantages not provided for by the game mechanics. It is forbidden to interfere with other Users in the Game, which is not provided for by the existing gameplay.

15. Users are prohibited to publish information (links, microblog tags, description of methods, etc.) or upload files that contain malicious software (viruses, Trojans, etc.), corrupted or modified files or data, other similar software that may damage the game client, disrupt the operation of other computers and means of communication or the integrity of User accounts.

16. Users are prohibited from creating character names, names of items, in-game objects, communities and organizations of players and any other insignia indicating affiliation with the Administration, as well as presenting themselves to other Users as a current or former employee of the Administration in the case of falsity of this information.

17. Users are prohibited from decompiling, decrypting, engineering analysis of data, bypassing data security systems, hacking/attempting to hack program components of the Server or its services and/or intercepting data coming to or from the server. It is prohibited any modification, alteration, decompilation, decryption, sale, distribution of modified game client materials in whole or in parts (or means and materials to perform these actions), the use of software bugs, changes to program code, obtaining unauthorized access to the server and the server database. In some cases, the Administration has the right to immediately suspend the User's access to the Game Server.

18. Users are forbidden to submit knowingly false information or falsify the data provided in case of a complaint or a report on the incident / error to the Administration or technical support.

Limitation of the Administration's responsibility

19. Administration is not responsible for all information published by Users in the information services of the server, in server chats, in official groups related to the server Old DN in social networks, or on other resources related to the official activities of the server.

20. Administration is not responsible for the loss of the User's ability to access his game account (loss of login, password, other information necessary to play on the server Old DN).

21. The Administration is not responsible for the loss of game valuables by the User in the course of the game process.

22. Administration does not exchange game values for cash or non-cash money or other values directly, bypassing the game process, which involves these or those game values.

23. The Administration does not exchange some game values received by the User during the game on the server Old DN, for other game values, if it is not specified in a particular game event, or the game value was received by the User in the course of a mistake.

24. Administration, in addition to the specified violations in these Rules of the Game, independently decides what is considered a violation of these Rules of the Game.

25. In case of violation of the Rules of the Game by the User, the Administration has the right to apply the following administrative measures:

- Limit the use of in-game communication services;

- Restrict some of the in-game functionality of the User's Account;

- Restrict access to any elements of game content;

- Forcibly rename character guilds and other player communities;

- Withdraw items, in-game currency, and other in-game valuables;

- Limit, suspend, or completely terminate access to an account;

- Delete characters or accounts.

26. When deciding on the applicable sanction in the appropriate amount for each fact of violation of the Rules of the Game by the User, the Administration is guided by the Penalty Sanctions, which contain approximate information about the administrative measures in case of any violation of the Rules of the Game.

27. In the case of full admission of guilt by the User and consent to further careful observance of these Rules, the Administration, as an alternative measure, has the right to impose a fine with the possibility of payment through a limited list of payment channels for early removal of restrictions on access to the account or its functionality, and the Administration has the right to refuse to replace the sanction with an alternative without giving reasons. If the User is offered the possibility of an alternative sanction, its acceptance is voluntary on the part of the User. To submit a request for early removal of restrictions from the account by agreeing to fulfill the conditions specified by the Administration should be made in Personal Messages of the official VKontakte group "OLD Dragon Nest".

28. The official representatives of the Administration on the game server are the Altera Keepers [ХA], whose duties include answering game questions from Users and collecting information for the higher Administration about violations of the game process (chat violations, disruption of the game, interference with the server) and Group Administrators [AG], who on the game server are responsible for conducting events related to publications in the official groups. Altera Guardians regularly report on the work done to the higher Administration and are responsible for the quality and objectivity of the work done only to it.

29. The server administration reserves the right to offer individual players temporary participation in the organization of in-game events without attributing them to the Administration with the subsequent payment in the form of game values and / or game currency.

Familiarize yourself with the penalties can be found here.

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